Hello Bello x Play-Doh

01. Branding & Design Exploration
02. Influencer Marketing - Packaging and Graphic Design
03. Design for Program Materials

Branding, Art Direction, Graphic Design

Role: Lead Designer


As part of a new product collaboration roll-out that is available in Walmart stores, Hello Bello partnered up with Play-Doh to create a potty training resource for parents called ‘The Potty Plan’. I was the lead designer on the project, where I focused on creating the program’s visual identity, as well as designing the various resources included in the program. After experimenting with a variety of visual directions, we landed on cheery, kid-focused branding that was rooted in our collaboration’s training pants color scheme. I created Play-Doh inspired mascots for our program that carried through our various touch-points, and we then collaborated with Inspira Studios to create a claymation animation of the characters to encourage children through their potty training journey. We also partnered with creative agency, Brains on Fire, to develop a matching website for the program where parents can find all the resources compiled in one place, and where children can interact with a variety of activities and games. Take a look at the website, linked here, to see the program’s branding come to life.


01. Design Asset Examples

This program consisted of a multitude of designed assets. Above you can see a handful of the ones I created, including the final certification for children, a potty training checklist for parents, a postcard that was included in our influencer gifting, and a spotify cover for our curated playlist.


As a branding lover, I was thrilled to be given the opportunity to lead this project. Not only was it a ton of fun and allowed me to delve deep into developing a cohesive visual identity, but it also gave me the opportunity to lean into creative direction while working with our various partners.


The Potty Plan Potty Training
Progress Chart

This chart was designed to attach to the interior top flap of our program influencer boxes. It is magnetic to allow for a child’s progress to be tracked through placing the magnetic stickers over the chart places.


The Potty Plan Instagram Giphy Stickers

I created these giphy animations based off The Potty Plan sticker elements to accompany our campaign rollout and social strategy.